(greater than) symbols, which are collectively referred to as angle brackets. Once you have done this, you have
. The end tag is the element name, preceded by a / (called a forward slash), surrounded by angle brackets:
i want to see how some rims would look on my car HTML 4 Bible,. These are no longer called ei want to see how some rims would look on my car HTML 4 Biblelements; they are now called tags.✦✦✦✦4Part I ✦ HTML 4 Quick StartWho makes the rules?Every organization has its own rule- body. In the case of the Web, the rule- body is the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The W3C is composed of representatives from over 400 member companies who want to have a say in the standards. The W3C tries to balance the interests of the academy, the companies producing the Web browsers (notably Netscape and Microsoft), and the technology. The W3C pulls together committees with representatives from interested members and puts the specifications in writing for HTML, CSS, XML, and other essential technologies. If the W3C werent maintaining a standard, all browsers might eventually be unai want to see how some rims would look on my carble to talk to all Web servers. You can visit their Web site at versus tagsThe World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) uses the word elements in two ways, which is rather confusing. You may have noticed this book does the same thing. In this chapter, we discuss elements in the tag sense of the word. The other kind of element is the element of structure of a document (for example, title, paragraph, blockquote).Even elements have partsUnlike the elements in the Periodic Table, elements in HTML usually have three parts: start tags, content, and end tags. Most elements have start tags and end tags. The start tag is the element name surrounded by angle brackets: